Basics of the Polyvagal Theory!

The Science of Compassion

Die englische Ausgabe von „Meistere den Stress“


Basics of the Polyvagal Theory


  • Taschenbuch: 180 Seiten
  • Verlag: BoD – Books on Demand; 1. Edition (23. Februar 2021)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-13: 9783752674484
  • Größe und/oder Gewicht: 15.7 x 2.2 x 21.7 cm

The Polyvagal Theory is one of the most important contemporary theories when it comes to therapy and coaching as well as for personal self-development. It helps to understand yourself and your psyche in a much better way than ever before. It also explains how and why we relate to the world around us the same way we do.

Every person applying this theory in life will get a far-reaching tool for regulating themselves and handling others. Never has there been another possibility of that kind.

The origin from Stephen W. Porges is in parts hard to understand because it is solely scientific. After long research, the author has managed to craft a book that keeps the original valuable content and knowledge but makes it much easier to read and understand. Pictures and graphic works support essential points.

This work is a profound primer for the Polyvagal Theory that includes all essential principles and understandably explains them.



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